Shipmates whose passings have been reported since the 2024 Reunion

Last Name First NameRate/RankTour Comments/Date Died
Anderson Richard T. FN 1960-1962 12/4/2023 Obituary
Bassett Ivan E. S1/C 1943-1946 11/13/2024 Obituary
Bessette Gaston SH1/C 1943-1946 5/11/2005
Bottom E. Rod S1/C 1944-1946 10/15/2021
Cloutier Robert SK3 1943-1946 4/17/2013 Obituary
Cobb Charles R. MM1 1943-1945 12/23/2011 Obituary
Coghill James T. BT3 1957-1957 3/6/2021 Obituary
Cornell Leonard RM3 1966-1968 7/20/2001 Obituary
Dela Ossa CAPT Arthur D. LCDR 1969-1970 9/20/2023
Demers Louis J. RM2 1943-1944 7/22/2024 Obituary
Gianantonio Robert J. BT2 1962-1965 3/30/2023 Obituary
Graves Donald O. S2/C 1943-1945 3/10/2008 Obituary
Hackney Charles CW SN 1962-1964 12/10/2023 Obituary
Haworth Jack M. unk 1944-1946

6/5/2024 Obituary

Hudgins William R. Jr. SN 1955-1959 11/2/2024 Obituary
Keirans Robert V. MU3 1961-1963 3/30/2024 Obituary
Keith Gerald G. YNSN 1945-1946 12/31/2023 Obituary
Kulakoski Frank W. S1/C 1943-1946 8/6/2018 Obituary
Lampman Charles E. SN 1959-1962 11/23/2022 Obituary
Martin Edward M. CTC 1943-1946 7/24/2009 Obituary
Mathisen John W. RDSN 1957-1959 1/9/2024 Obituary
McGovern E. John ENS 1945-1946 2/4/2014 Obituary
McNeill Francis V. unk 1943-1945 3/17/1994 Obituary
Meador George C. FN 1946-1946 6/15/2004 Obituary
Mercer John A. S1/C 1944-1946 10/23/2011 Obituary
Miller Theron Max MMC(SS) 1985- 11/27/2024 Obituary
Perry Gerald A. CSSN 1955-1959 9/8/2024 Obituary
Richards V. Glaen unk 1945-1946 1/29/2023 Obituary
Riddle William E. RM3 1959-1962 11/13/2023 Obituary
Simboli Albert M. GM3/C 1943-1945 7/11/2012 Obituary
Sundquist Gary G. RM2 1958-1961 11/30/2024 Obituary
Tagtmeyer Daniel B. GM3 1957-1960 7/15/2024 Obituary
Tavares Edward C. GM3 1943-1945 8/7/1989 Obituary
Thorp Mrs. Audrey WIDOW
1943-1945 8/7/2024 Obituary
Zeimet Mike MMC(SS) 1985-1988 11/27/2023 Obituary

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