[Boston Patches] [USS BOSTON Shipmates logo]

Updated: Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2025

[SSN703 Patch]
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do
than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
---Mark Twain

This web site is dedicated to the valiant men who have served aboard a U.S. Navy ship named BOSTON. Beginning in 1776, seven BOSTONs have served America.

Our purpose is to preserve and promote the rich history of the long line of naval ships named BOSTON that have served our country, and to bring together past and present crew members. Every year a reunion is held in a different area of our great country. We work to preserve the history of these famous ships and foster the comradeship of their fighting men. If you have attended one of our reunions you've seen comradeship at its best.

The 2025 Reunion will be in Annapolis, MD. >>>>>>Check out the Reunion Page below or see your Newletter!>>>>>If you’ve moved please update your address with us, secretary@ussboston.org

Here's what you'll find on this web site:

If you served aboard a BOSTON, join our private forum: USS BOSTON Forum

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